Thursday, May 17, 2012

Crash and burn

OK, that was short-lived.  I told her how I felt, and she suggested I not contact her again.  Ouch.

It actually hurt quite a bit; I'd really opened myself up.  In hindsight, I wish I'd done a million things differently, but in the end I'm sure it's for the best.  As I said, I'm grateful just to know I *can* feel that way again, and now the trick is to find someone who feels the same about me.

In the meantime, however, I have the very practical problem that I've now cut off contact with everyone I was talking to, I don't have anyone in the "pipeline," and I have tickets to *four* events in the next week!  I've invited friends, who are all busy, and I'm really going to kick myself if I waste these extra tickets.

P.S. Ben & Jerry's cookie dough ice cream contains wheat.  Duh.  I'm eating it anyway.

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