Saturday, July 25, 2020

The twenty-tens

Having dredged up "the noughties" in 2020, it seems only appropriate to repeat the exercise now.

20102020In between What's next?
WorkWorking for a small consulting companyWorking for a medium-sized weather companyWorked for a large consulting company, worked for a tiny start-up Get AWS certified and become a New Zealand citizen, then start looking for new work next year. 
ComputersRunning a crappy old laptop, that is still 20 times faster than my old desktopUsing a Microsoft Surface Pro 4 from work, possibly the only thing from Microsoft I've ever liked. Bought a new (crappy) laptop when I moved to New Zealand in 2014, then when I joined the startup in 2016 they gave me a MacBook Pro. (My son has since claimed that.) No plans. 
MobileAfter toying with the idea of an iPhone, got a Motorola Razr that doesn't do anythingA Samsung Galaxy S7. A Samsung Galaxy S3, S4, S6, S7 edge, S7, S8, S7. (I hated the S7 edge and broke my S8.) I haven't bought a new phone since my S3 so I'm always a few years behind. 
MusicMy laptop, phone, alarm clock, and electronic organizer can play MP3s, but I stream most music over the Internet.All of my songs are in iTunes, plus a family subscription to Spotify. was fantastic for finding years; I was so sad when it died. I hate using iTunes but the other music players I used all died or couldn't sync with my phone. Get my dad's old records out of my mom's garage
TelevisionHave a 32" TV set, which I bought for $30My wife had a 40" TV when we met, but she never watched TV. I watch Daily Show, Stephen Colbert and Last Week Tonight on YouTube. Recently finished Good Place Ozark, Community, A Family Man and Upload on streaming TV.Waiting for new seasons of Mrs Maisel, Mandalorian, Ozark and Upload. 
HomeRenting a 1-bedroom flat in LondonRenting a 5 bedroom house in Wellington. Moved in with Jess, bought and renovated a home with Jess, broke up with Jess, lived in Reading for 3 years, was homeless for a few months, moved to New Zealand. My wife and I are hoping to buy a house in February but I'm not allowed to do any renovation as that seems to be the death knell for my relationships. 
CarDon't have a car; have been using public transportation for 3 years :-)Own a 2008 Volkswagen Touran 7-seater.After living in the UK for two years, I bought an old, red Peugeot convertible that I had to scrap when I moved to New Zealand. My wife had a Toyota Wish but we bought the Touran off some friends who moved back to the States. I've been saying "my next car will be electric" for 20 years now, but this time I mean it. Just waiting for one more child to fly the nest. 
Microwave ovenDon't own a microwaveDon't own a microwaveWhen I moved in with Jess, she had a microwave, and when we broke up I rented a furnished apartment that had a microwave. My wife feels the same way about microwaves that I do. They are evil bastards. 
PhotographyJust bought a Canon digital SLR cameraI take all my photos on my phone. The SLR just can't compete with the convenience of a phone. I should sell my SLR to someone who will use it. 
The InternetRegularly blast my friends with email spamI've stopped spamming my friends.God knows. I already feel like a dinosaur. 
ComicsxkcdDilbert. (I write a monthly summary for the department and I always include a Dilbert cartoon, so I have to read a lot to find one that is relevant. I loved User Friendly. Any suggestions? 
Books"King Solomon's Ring" by Konrad Lorenz (published in 1952)I've been reading biographies of late: John Cleese, Bryan Cranston, Trevor Noah. Mostly everything I read now is technical, generally off the Internet and not cohesive. (A little bit here, a little bit there...) Need to study for AWS certification. 
MoviesCan't think of anything I loved, but still want to see Nowhere Boy, Up in the Air, and maybe AvatarAnythingffrom Taika Waititi. Lots and lots of Marvel films... I really want to share the classics with the kids but they don't have the attention span for a 90-minutr film. 
Health Overweight, not exercising. Overweight, not exercising. I joined a gym, started taking a lot of yoga classes again, even went a year without eating gluten...and didn't shed a pound. Need to join a gym again. 
RelationshipEngaged, talking about having kids. Married, three stepkids (about to turn 16, 18 and 20!) Hard to believe they were 8, 10 and 12 when I first met them! The eldest has moved out and is attending uni; the middle child graduates high school this year and hopes to spend a gap year in Israel. 

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