Monday, June 23, 2008

Cost of living

All amounts are in US dollars:

  • A subway ride, one-way, into the city: $3.00
  • A soda at a cafe: $4.00
  • A croissant at the local bakery: $1.18
  • Rice and Spinach with potatoes at the local Indian takeway: $10
  • Lentil burger at Gourmet Burger Kitchen: $11.70 (fries add $5.70)
  • Lunch at a Mexican restaurant in Covent Garden (no drink): $24
  • The cost to call a local UK number: $0.40/minute
  • The cost to call a US number: $0.30/minute (go figure)
  • A movie ticket: $18
  • 2 tickets to the Moody Blues at Royal Albert Hall: $160
  • 4 tennis balls: $5.98
  • An hour on the tennis court: $12.80
  • A pair of Levi's jeans at a small clothing shop: $140
  • A pair of jeans at Gap: $100
  • A pair of generic jeans at Primark: $16
  • A load of laundry: $12
  • Average rent on a 1-bedroom flat: $3,000-$3,500/month, plus council tax and utilities
  • Average down payment on a 1-bedroom flat: $8,000

On the bright side, I've lost a stone* over the past 4 weeks. Spending that $98 on a one-month (off peak) gym membership was much smarter than buying food.

*1 stone=14 pounds

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