Sunday, June 15, 2008

Now it's the girls' turn...

Descriptions from (no names this time)

"I have a proven track record when it comes to commitment."

"Want a challenge?"

"my date must calm, lovely, gently, like smile, patient, love music & dancing or singing, sport, cooking, loves home, not drunken master, not smoker, enough money to cost our children until they..."

"Yeah I'll do."

"I like surprises and hope you do too. That's why there's no long descriptions here."

"I'll try anything twice"

"Sunny and bright, occasionally stormy. I love unexpected adventures and getting lost inside my head or someone else's."

"I'm taking a break from this and so not an active member at the moment... " [This from an active member.]

"I'm just me"

"OK.I am here. Now what."

"Funny, aware, caring, late, calm, confident, nice arse" [aware?? late??]

"just looking for a normal guy...Not too many requirements"

"Someone you could have"

"as for love, i just want the right and best one to me. if not, i'd rather be alone"

"I would like to think that I'm intelligent and attractive and good company"

"I'd like to meet someone who is...definitely not perfect and aware of his imperfections."

"Feeling Lucky? I am."

"Friends / colleagues would describe me as intelligent, successful, confident and outgoing. ( but then they better say that!)"

"I am a halfling." [Something about being part South African, but to us Tolkien fans, we know she's hot.]

"Mewling, elf-skinned" [Us Tolkien fans have no idea what that means.]

"I have been told by my friend who is standing behind me and cajoling me to write this as we speak that I am apparently...G-O-R-G-E-O-U-S !"

"Studied Law at Greenwich University, which was sooooooooo boring."

"its not easy to say amazing things about myself"

"I am an incurable romantic... who dont take life too seriously."

"Fun french social butt" [I'm sure she meant to say "butterly" but the search screen only shows 22 characters.]

"I'm outgoing (not loud), tactile (not clingy), affectionate (not soppy), intelligent (not highbrow)"

"Must like marmalade sandwiches"

"Looking for Mr sunshine" [Obviously won't be looking her up]

And someone that I am definitely going to look up--

"Handle with care. Happy, relaxed and constantly curious with an irreverent sense of humour, mischievous but not malicious, playful but not a player, broad-minded and non-judgemental but not easily led, feisty but fun..."

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