Thursday, June 12, 2008

A girl named 'Cat'

I can't move. Every muscle aches, and I just want to stay in bed.

I met this girl at the gym--really cute, Asian with blond hair, tattoos all over her body. I'm not sure where she was from, but she didn't have an accent. She had a really nice voice, too. Funny the things you pay attention to.

Anyway, I'll skip the boring stuff, and just say she had amazing stamina, and was strong as an ox. From the time we started to the point I collapsed on the floor, we must have been going 90 minutes. She had me on my back, on my stomach, on my side, on my knees, on my feet--you name it, and she wouldn't let up. Several times I had to stop just to get some water before I passed out.

Laying on the floor, drenched in sweat, I realized I was not ready for an intermediate yoga class.

There's another yoga class Friday that someone else is teaching, but I don't think I'll be back to Cat's class--I just can't keep up.

Addendum: On Friday I went to Carl's class, which was much better except he had this nasty habit of coming over and stretching you much further than you wanted to stretch. I can't believe nothing popped, snapped, or tore. The nice thing about going to a weekday morning yoga class is that I'm the only guy there. The bad thing is that all the women intimidate me--people just shouldn't bend like that.

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