Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Looking up

Yesterday I got two call-backs on my resume CV, which was a significant improvement over the 0 I got last week. (Although that may have been because my phone system was screwed up.)

In addition, I finally got hold of Jessica, the vegetarian/IT person/36-year-old/single female referred by her parents in LA--although she was quick to point out that was her dad and step-mom. (Which made sense--most moms don't pimp their kids like that.)

So I told her of my financial woes and she offered to take me out! Well, technically she offered me "free food," so I may be reading a little too much into it, but I'm optimistic. She's really sweet and has a sense of humour like mine--a little self-deprecating, but mostly other-people-deprecating.

I also finished writing my profile for the dating site--that only took 24 hours. I still don't like it, but at least it doesn't look like the generic, boring, schmaltzy crap I posted originally. (Now it's unique, boring, schmaltzy crap.)

So things are looking up a little. I'm going to run out for a croissant, and then crash. (You thought I was kidding that I spent the last 24 hours writing my dating profile?)

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