Saturday, June 7, 2008

Tourist trap

This blog would certainly be improved by photos, or at least less text, but I'm not doing anything photo-worthy. Unless you want a photo of me searching for a job, doing laundry, going to the grocery store, enjoying my bread and water, swapping out sim cards on my cell phone, yelling at the bank manager, practising making change, or just staring off into space in loneliness, desperation, and mental exhaustion--it all just isn't very interesting.

The only time I wished I had a camera with me, in fact, was when I went to Docklands--not because it was photogenic, but because it was so incongruous. Apparently the wharves in East London were so dilapidated that the city just levelled everything and started from scratch, creating this beautiful pocket of gleaming new skyscrapers right in the middle of what is clearly one of the worst areas in London. That they didn't even try to improve the surrounding area speaks of class warfare, and impending riots.

Naturally, that is where my first interview is on Tuesday.

I'm actually quite excited by the prospect, as the job description is exactly what I want to do. In fact, I incorporated the job description into my resume CV, to let other potential employers know exactly what I want to do. The only problem is, this is my first interview, so I know I'm going to seize up. I wish I'd had a couple of "throwaways," where I didn't want the job but just interviewed for practice, but no such luck.

In fact, except for one phone interview in San Francisco, my last job interview was in 1994. Ever since then, my jobs have all been through references. It's quite terrifying, really.

P.S. Completely irrelevant note--"pita bread" in the US is "khobez bread" in the UK. They have pitta bread here, but it's smaller, thicker, and you have to heat it (so it puffs up) before you slice it.

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